Alsa's Paint Wrap for DIY

In the world of custom paints there is one company that comes to mind each and every time. If you have been lost on a secluded island and completely out of touch in the last decade or two then you are about to discover treasures unlike anything you have ever imagined. Alsa Corporation is the most innovative company that has ever emerged and conquered the world of custom paints.

Alsa has recently released their latest paint innovation simply called “PAINT WRAP”. This is The World’s First Sprayable Car Wrap made to be easily applied to the interior or exterior of your car paint job. Designed to be easily removed whenever you want to change back to the original paint or another color, Paint Wrap is undoubtedly one of the most unique products that has hit the market and gotten the attention of the entire automotive and custom paint industry.

Paint Wrap is a DIY (Do It Yourself) product developed to be easily applied using conventional spray equipment, brushed or even rolled on. It is similar to Plasti Dip, however, it is completely non-toxic and water base safe. According to Alsa Corporation, Paint Wrap is so safe and easy to apply that you don’t even need a paint booth or traditional protective gear to apply it.

Paint Wrap comes in hundreds of colors and can even match your favorite RAL or Pantone color. It is available in Gloss or Matte and for super gloss, you can add a topcoat. Additionally special effect pigments can be added to the paint for a truly exotic look, giving you the ability to also create color fades and blends.

For those who want their car to have that fresh scented smell, Paint Wrap is also available in several fragrances from Pinecone, Leather, Vanilla, and Sea Breeze.
Do It Yourself PAINT WRAP from Alsa Corp
Check out Alsa Corporation Paint Wrap section for more information and get started on your next project using one of the most interesting products we have ever come across in the custom paint industry.

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